The car is wrapped, we’re ready to leave.
After all these months, it’s heard to believe.
In a few short hours, we’ll be on our way.
In the morning, we’ll be Houston bound.
The next day, we can be found.
Arriving in Munich, waiting to join our freinds.
We’re leaving on a jet plane.
It’ll be a month till we’re home again.
We’ll have tales to tell when we get home.

Our first leg of our journey takes us to Houston. We’re flying Alegient Airlines there in the morning, then have a night in a hotel before flying out the next morning to Munich. We’ll be in Munich the morning of May 8th and stay in a hotel near Englisher Gardens before meeting up wih our Canadian friends Gary and Susan. They have a two-bedroom arpartment in Munich for a week and asked us to join them, after I told them I used to live in Germany and speak German (enough to get around comfortably).
Guten Abend, my friends. Happy Cinco de Mayo.