Linda and I had a (not so close) call at the Munich Airport. We arrived early, checked our bags with no problems, made our way through security, and made our way to the gates. Our boarding passes said we were in gate K section, but didn’t have a gate number. We had plenty of time, so we found a snack bar and sat down to eat lunch.
We finished lunch and walked to the big board to see of our plane had been assigned a gate.

We found our flight to Prague. Leaving out of gate G35. Linda looked at the last column in the board. It said “12 Minutes”.

“OH S@!T!” she exclaimed. “We have 12 minutes to get to our flight.”
“OH S@!T” I replied. “We better run”.
We sprinted to the terminal tram, ran down the escalator, jumped on the tram, jumped off the tram at the G gates, ran up an escalator, ran down the row of gates, and turned a corner to find gate G 35.

There was no one there. No passengers, no gate agents, and NO PLANE.
“OH S#!T” I said. “We missed our flight.”
“OH S#!T” Linda echoed. “Now what do we do?”
We ran to the closest Lufthansa Help Desk. I showed my boarding pass to the agent.
“Your plane doesn’t leave for another hour.”
As it turns out, the “12 Minutes” we saw on the big board was the walking time from where we were to gate G 35.
On to Prague.